
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Closed Sundayh

Johnny's Service Station Logo
Quality Service Since 1938

188 Bloomfield Ave.

Nutley, NJ 07110

Auto Repair

Auto Repairs and Brake Service

Get ASE-Certified Auto Repairs and Brake Service at Johnny's Service Station

Secure your car's braking system with the help of experts at Johnny's Service Station. If you put off your brake repair work, it can end up costing you more because faulty brakes can blow other things out. If there's a noise, we will check your brake rotors. Fully functioning brakes are important for your safety as well as others' safety on the road.


Our shop also works on mufflers, radiators, water pumps, and tires in addition to serving as a brake expert.

  • Belts and hoses
  • Axles and cooling system
  • Computer diagnostics
  • Exhaust, shocks, and struts
Brake Service
Exhaust system
Computer Diagnostic
Shock absorber

Call to Schedule Auto Repair Service at Johnny's Service Station!

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